Source code for

import wbgapi as wb
import pandas as pd

# Fix for Python >= 3.10 until wbdata is updated
import collections
collections.Sequence =

[docs] def get_data(indicator: str, year: int) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get data from the World Bank API Parameters ---------- indicator : str Indicator code year : int Year Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Dataframe with the data """ data =, "all", year, labels=True) data.reset_index(inplace=True) data.rename(columns={indicator: "value", "Country": "country", "economy": "iso3c"}, inplace=True) data["date"] = year data["indicator"] = indicator return data
[docs] def get_data_most_recent(indicator: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the data from the World Bank API with the most recent year available Parameters ---------- indicator : str Indicator code Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Dataframe with the data """ # Get all the years available data =, "all", labels=True) data.reset_index(inplace=True) # Pivot the columns that start with YR changing the name to the year data = data.melt(id_vars=["Country", "economy"], var_name="date", value_name="value") data["date"] = data["date"].str.extract(r"YR(\d{4})").astype(int) # filter out NaN values from column value data = data.dropna(subset=["value"]) data.rename(columns={"Country": "country", "economy": "iso3c"}, inplace=True) # Group by country and keep the most recent year where value isn't NaN data_clean = data.sort_values("date", ascending=False).groupby("country").first().reset_index() return data_clean