Source code for geovizir.scales

from pandas import Series

[docs] def label_bins(bins: list[int, float]) -> list[str]: """Return a list of labels for a list of bins. For each element of the bins, an interval is created with the previous element. The first element is add as '< first_element' and the last element as '> last_element'. Parameters ---------- bins : list[float, int] A list of bins to be labeled. Returns ------- list[str] A list of labels. Examples -------- >>> bins([1,2,3]) """ return [f'< {bins[0]}', *(f'{a}-{b}' for a, b in zip(bins[:-1], bins[1:])), f'> {bins[-1]}']
[docs] def relabel_bins(column: Series): """Relabel a column with the bins of the column. Parameters ---------- column : Series A column to be relabeled. Returns ------- Series A column with the labels of the bins. """ categories = for cat in categories: column ={cat: f'{cat.left} - {cat.right}'}) return column