:py:mod:`geovizir.features` =========================== .. py:module:: geovizir.features Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: geovizir.features.load_data geovizir.features.ne_countries geovizir.features.ne_states .. py:function:: load_data(folder, filepath) .. py:function:: ne_countries(scale: int = 10) -> geopandas.GeoDataFrame Return a GeoDataFrame of the world countries. Download the world countries shapefile from Natural Earth and return a GeoDataFrame of the countries. :param scale: The scale of the shapefile, by default 10. The allowed values are 10, 50 and 110. :type scale: int, optional :returns: A table of the world countries. :rtype: GeoDataFrame .. py:function:: ne_states(state: str, scale: int = 10) -> geopandas.GeoDataFrame Return a GeoDataFrame of the stats of a country. Download the counties shapefile from Natural Earth and return a GeoDataFrame of the countries. :param state: The country ISO3 code. :type state: str :param scale: The scale of the shapefile, by default 10. The allowed values are 10, 50 and 110. :type scale: int, optional :returns: A table of the world countries. :rtype: GeoDataFrame