:py:mod:`geovizir.scales` ========================= .. py:module:: geovizir.scales Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: geovizir.scales.label_bins geovizir.scales.relabel_bins .. py:function:: label_bins(bins: list[int, float]) -> list[str] Return a list of labels for a list of bins. For each element of the bins, an interval is created with the previous element. The first element is add as '< first_element' and the last element as '> last_element'. :param bins: A list of bins to be labeled. :type bins: list[float, int] :returns: A list of labels. :rtype: list[str] .. rubric:: Examples >>> bins([1,2,3]) .. py:function:: relabel_bins(column: pandas.Series) Relabel a column with the bins of the column. :param column: A column to be relabeled. :type column: Series :returns: A column with the labels of the bins. :rtype: Series